2018 December – Newsletter


Trinity Hall

18th December 2018

Attending: Barbara Parkinson, Zena Athorn, Dale Rivers, Jim Parkinson, Neil Barham, Graham Myers, Joe Battye

Apologies: Hazel Armitage

Spring Clean
It was decided to arrange a spring clean and general repair of the hall on a Saturday in the spring 2019

Agreed to increase credit card booking fees so that customers pay the full fee.  At the moment, it’s set at 5% to the customer while Trinity pay the other 5%. 
Increasing ‘Pay on Arrival’ tickets to incentivise online purchases was discussed but deferred.

Zena has published an article in the Chron.  A facebook programme has been designed and scheduled for automatic publication.
An e-shot has gone out on Wednesday 19th Dec via MailChimp

Rehearsal Subscriptions
It was discussed to set a charge for teas, coffees and biscuits during rehearsals and this could be put in place immediately.
It was discussed to set a weekly subscription for play participants to cover costs of costumes, general and unexpected expenses.  It was agreed to submit this to the AGM.

DVDs prices will be set to £5 with £1 going to Neil to cover costs.
Joe asked if the camera equipment was up to standard. Neil replied it was so no further expenditure required.

Raffle Prices
We agreed to have two bouquet style prizes and a pair of tickets as raffle prizes during the year.  The pairs of tickets will be set up on the ticketing system in advance

Future Performance Dates
April 10th to 13th – Deathtrap directed by Paul Taylor
July 10th to 13th – no play or director set – proposals are invited
September 7th (potentially two shows) – Trinity Juniors lead by Joe Battye
October 9th to 12th – no play or director set – proposals are invited
January 17,18,19,24,25,26th January – Pantomime Beauty and the Beast

Committee Business
An email to go out to invite 2 temporary members
Joe Battye was elected to Vice Chair
Zena was elected to the Safe Guarding role
Front of house – there are gaps in the schedule although it is largely covered
Chaperones – unsure if we have sufficient.  To be advised

Next Meeting
Tuesday 29th January 2019

Any questions, ideas, comments or otherwise are always welcome to: committee@trinityplayersbarnsley.com