2018 October – Newsletter


Trinity Hall
8th October 2018

Attending: Joe Battye, Jim Parkinson, Neil Barham, Barbara Parkinson, Graham Myers, Dale Rivers, Zena Athorn, Ruth Willerton
Guest Director: Joanne Morfitt
Apologies: Hazel Armitage

PANTO – Scarlett and the Enchanted Forest
DR-Gary and the team have offered to purchase an entire show as last year.  DR has emailed Gary to request desired date – awaiting response

RW-Still compiling waiting list to see which kids can join.  Some chaperones have been lost this year but thought doable with existing numbers

Front of House
GM-Concerns over numbers of FoH volunteers and kitchen especially kitchen duties.  Also, lack of management.  Graham will nominate a house manager in future. 

Raffle pricing is 50p per ticket – decided to make it £1 per strip instead. Agreed to purchase raffle prizes instead of asking for donations

General State of Hall
NB-Requested to board up the windows as three are in bad repairs.  Denied as unlikely the church would agree so we will patch up as best as possible

ZA-Zena will arrange a get together for Saturday 27th October to clean kitchen, spruce up the entrance hall and patch up the windows.

NB-Suggested we build a raised platform for the rear of the hall – the last three rows.  Generally accepted as a good idea but require costs

Comfort and Joy
JP-Advised taking were in excess to £2,000.

Box Office
DR-Suggested incentivising online sales instead of current position where online sales are more expensive due to the booking fee (credit card charge).  Decision deferred since Panto tickets are already on sale

Trinity Quiz
Saturday 13th Oct.  45 members signed up already.  Adults only

Bonfire Night
Peter and Jeff to host a bonfire.  Decided to contribute £100 to fireworks.

Jane Laverack has resigned.  Zena has taken over the role.  The marketing plan was sent to Zena with full authority to update and amend as necessary.  To be agreed at next committee meeting

TPB have been asked to donate to a Dyslexia cause run by Vanessa Goddard.  Agreed to donate £20

Next meeting Wednesday 7th November 2018 at 7pm at the Trinity Hall

Any questions, ideas, comments or otherwise are always welcome to: committee@trinityplayersbarnsley.com