Your committee met on 9th June. Present were (in no particular order): Paul Taylor, Jim Parkinson, Nick Percival, John Parker, Neil Barham, Ruth Willerton, & Dale Rivers, briefly, after the meeting had finished!
Apologies were received from: Jane Lavarack.
Our performance at Wakefield was well received by the audience. Congratulations go to Rozi Afferson for winning the award for Best Supporting Actress. We also received the following nominations:
Best Presentation;
Best Actress – Christine Mulrooney;
Best Actor – Michael Cutts;
Comedy Award;
Adjudicators Award.
This is a fantastic show and it is hoped it will be very well supported at the Lamproom. We need a really big push on ticket sales and we URGE EVERY MEMBER TO TRY AND SELL A MINIMUM OF TEN TICKETS TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS (OR EVEN TO ENEMIES!).
Raffle ticket sellers need to be in position by 6.30pm on their designated night.
It would be good if we had more alcohol and chocolates to offer as prizes. If you are able to donate a suitable prize please get it to the Lamproom by Tuesday evening. Thanks.
“It Runs In The Family” by Ray Cooney.
Please remember that there will be two read-through evenings: 21st and 28th June at 7.30pm in the church hall. If you are interested in being in this production or simply fancy enjoying reading it, please come along on these two evenings.
Rehearsals will start on 12th July.
We are revisiting the enchanting story of CINDERELLA. Oh yes we are! The show is currently undergoing a re-write so it will be fresh and up to date (he said, hopefully).
It will be staged over the weekends of January 12 – 14 and 19 – 21, 2018. Details of read throughs and rehearsals will be notified at a later date.
One of the legal commitments we, as a group, have is making sure that our safeguarding procedures are in order. To this end we need chaperones for the children. If you would be interested in registering as a chaperone please contact Ruth Willerton as soon as possible, her phone number is 01226 288599 or email: We can never have to many chaperones.
This will be held on Wednesday 5th July at 7.30pm in the hall. Please attend this important meeting. There may even be a chance for you to join the committee, all you need is someone to nominate and second you. If enough people wish to stand there may be an election. Three current committee members (not officers) are willing to stand for a further year, They are Neil Barham, John Parker and Nick Percival. Our Chairperson, Paul Taylor, will come to the end of his three year term at this meeting. Therefore we will need to elect a Chairperson for a three year term.
We have kindly been invited to the home of Peter Horner for this year’s extravaganza.
It will be held on Saturday 1st July. It is hoped to run a mini-bus so people can have a cheeky little drink when they are there. However, a driver is needed (has to be under 70). If you would like to volunteer please have a word with Neil as soon as possible please.
Our presence on Facebook is going to be intensified thanks to Zena Athorn who will be undertaking this work. We will also have a Twitter account. Together they will raise our profile and, hopefully, increase ticket sales.
During this meeting two members of the committee ate some ‘out of date’ Maltesers. They would like you to know that they had become very chewy and probably shouldn’t have been eaten!
This will be arranged by those elected on to the committee at the AGM.