Minutes of the Trinity Players, Barnsley, Committee Meeting held at Trinity United Reformed Church, Farrar Street at 7.30pm on Monday, October 28th 2013
Present: Paul Taylor (chairman), Ruth Willerton (Treas), Jim Parkinson, Barbara Parkinson, Anne Prew, Ian Harley, Peter Horner and Dale Rivers (Sec.)
Apologies: Karen Slater
JIM PARKINSON: The meeting opened with Jim Parkinson being welcomed back to the committee’s ranks and members being informed that Ian Davies had now been discharged from hospital, was ‘out and about’ and making a good recovery.
PREVIOUS PRODUCTION: Not With a Bang: The chairman reported that despite concern over ticket sales in the run-up to the show, he believed the show had “come to life” during the last fortnight. As a result, it had been successful financially and well received by audiences. It h ad also resulted in a good mix of talents from older and newer members of the cast and production team. His congratulations went out to everyone concerned and to director, Sally Davies, in particular.
The treasurer reported that nett profit from the show, while down on that of Last Tango in Whitby, was nonetheless commendable and in the region of £1,300. Over the four nights, 419 seats were sold and 329 unsold (56 per cent of the 748 available). Of those, 177 were full-price and 242 concessions.
NEXT PRODUCTION: Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood: Jim Parkinson reported that a production meeting, chaired by director Bob Willerton, and attended by Neil Barham, himself, Ian Harley, John Parker and Phil Johnson had already attended to consider script updates and changes, set backcloths and props etc. Casting problems had also been mentioned, notably for the dame and sheriff roles.
The meeting agreed endorsed the intention to stage the show at Trinity on the Friday evenings of January 10 and 17th with matinee and evening shows the following days but agreed to ask the production team to consider adding a further show on Sunday, January 12th.
The secretary reported that Phil Johnson had produced an eye-catching flyer and he and Anne would ensure that posters and flyers were available in good time. Further discussion followed on publicity including the possibility of a promotional appearance by cast members in Barnsley’s market complex on Saturday January 4 and canvassing of schools and youth organisations (eg. Brownies).
FINANCE: The treasurer reported that £2,000 was ready to be handed over to the church in accordance with the AGM decision.
SOCIAL: Peter Horner reported that 29 members had expressed intent to attend the Christmas Party Night at Barnsley FC on Friday, December 20th although not all had paid the necessary deposits.
The meeting also agreed to investigate repeating February’s successful social event with members dining out together at the time of the Chinese New Year.
POLO SHIRTS: The chairman reported that the polo shirts had arrived but, unfortunately, with the ‘p’ missing from the ‘tp’ logo. They were now on their way back to the manufacturers in the hope that the ‘p’ could be added.
FUTURE PRODUCTIONS: After consideration of future productions including next year’s Wakefield Festival, the committee agreed to appeal for volunteers to direct future productions and also to suggest plays for reading and consideration as future productions.
CONSTITUTION: The review of the society’s rules and constitution continued by looking at the heading ‘Management – Officers and Committee.’ The following wording was agreed:
i) The Players shall be managed by a management committee of elected officers and ordinary committee members drawn from the society’s membership as follows:
Chairperson – who will preside and have a casting vote at committee meetings
And up to six paid-up members.
ii) A quorum shall consist of six committee members of whom two must be officers.
iii) The committee has the power to elect a temporary chairman should the elected chair of vice-chairman not attend a meeting.
iv) The committee needs to ensure that minutes are kept of each meeting
v) All committee members shall serve for one year until the next Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election from year to year. All officers shall serve for two years preferably on a staggered basis (i.e. the chair and treasurer as a pair and the vice chair and secretary as a pair).
vi) The management committee shall have the power to co-opt from membership to fill any casual vacancy on the committee until the next annual general meeting.
vii) The management committee shall have the power to appoint competent people to undertake
all aspects of each production and the society’s affairs.
a) These appointees are required to report to the management committee from time to time but do not carry voting rights which remain with the elected members.
b) The management committee shall have the power to dismiss any of these appointees if proved to be necessary.
viii) A president can be appointed by invitation after a majority decision by members.
ix) The committee or members may propose any alterations to the rules but these must be confirmed at the annual general meeting or extraordinary meeting convened for the purposed before they can take effect.
Next Meeting: Monday November 25th at 7pm at Trinity United Reformed Church.
All comments etc to: committee@trinityplayersbarnsley.com